Our Team

NorthBridge Energy Partners, LLC is a specialized consulting firm that provides industry expertise, market intelligence, decision support, and executive education to organizations and business leaders navigating complex power markets and energy initiatives. NorthBridge works with clients evaluating strategic opportunities to position their technologies, properties, products and services for participation in electric energy markets. We help our customers develop new business models, refine existing market strategies, and create value across regulated and competitive energy environments.

With decades of wide-ranging experience in facilities and electric power markets, we deliver based on experience. Our services include a variety of offerings, from executive briefings and strategic assistance to energy analytics and focused research.

We are deeply involved in the competitive electricity arena, demand response, and the building controls business, and we understand complex power markets. Let us help you take advantage of the many opportunities in the intersection of markets, technology, and information.

See PKD’s recent publication: The Energy Switch - available now: https://www.amazon.com/Energy-Switch-Companies-Transforming-Electrical/dp/1633886662

More on PKD @ https://www.peterkellydetwiler.com/


Peter Kelly-Detwiler


Peter Kelly-Detwiler, co-founder of NorthBridge Energy Partners has more than 25 years experience in the energy industry. Peter’s career has focused on the development of retail competitive markets, as well as new trends, technologies, regulatory and market developments, and sustainable solutions that create value in the energy space.

  • Peter plays a key role in evaluating opportunities and technologies in constantly emerging power markets. As an industry expert in demand response, he understands the highly complex interaction between energy-consuming and storage assets and power markets.

  • He is also an active contributor at Forbes.com, covering a broad variety of topics, including the economics of natural gas supply and electricity generation, evolving supply and demand technologies, the evolution of renewables and general trends affecting the energy industry today.

  • Peter previously served as Senior Vice President of Energy Technology Services at Constellation NewEnergy. where he established the Demand Response group and oversaw its growth to 1700 MW of dispatchable load. He led the team in developing and patenting VirtuWatt, the industry-leading real-time energy use and automated load control platform.

  • His earlier career involved various aspects of retail power markets, and he served as both Director of Customer Service, East Coast (AES NewEnergy), and Sr. Director of Operations, New England at (Constellation NewEnergy), a leading competitive retail energy supplier. Peter was also an Adjunct Faculty member in the two-year applied MBA program at Carey School of Business, Johns Hopkins University.

  • Peter attended Williams College from 1979–1983 and the Tufts University’s Fletcher School from 1986–1988. He frequently keynotes, moderates panels, and runs workshops at conferences, including highly touted seminars on energy markets and technologies at the annual ESNA and VERGE conferences.

  • He is currently working on a book concerning innovation and disruption in the electric power industry.

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Leighton J. Wolffe


Leighton J. Wolffeco-founder of NorthBridge Energy Partners, has more than 25 years experience in the facilities and energy technology industries. His interest in energy technologies led to positions working with energy companies, manufacturers and systems integration firms designing and developing innovative hardware and software applications.

  • Leighton’s experience across multiple industries and customer segments enables him to play an integral role in the design, development and implementation of successful energy technology initiatives and projects. Leighton provides expertise and domain knowledge to help clients navigate their way through the highly dynamic intersection of energy markets, emerging technologies and the industry players.

  • He is professionally active on a national level with energy companies, building system manufacturers, software developers, systems integrators, facility professionals, and government agencies and serves in key roles as owner’s advisor, technical consultant and project facilitator providing knowledge of energy market and technology trends to help clients create and apply sustainable solutions.

  • In a previous position as VP Strategy for Constellation Energy, Leighton founded the NewEnergy Alliance and formed commercial relationships with building automation and energy management companies and systems integrators to develop applications around Constellation’s VirtuWatt Platform, which connected buildings directly to energy markets and Constellation’s trading desk. Leighton is co-developer and patent holder for this ground-breaking platform.

  • Leighton attended Cambridge College and New England College in the UK, with a focus on business and history.

  • He frequently presents at industry events and writes articles on industry and technology trends. He also has developed innovative methodologies to apply energy analytics.

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